Find the top Digital Signature System to purchase in Israel at lowest prices.


If you are in search of a Digital Signature System, then the mentioned details will help you in making your decision to choose the right system according to your requirements.

NovoDSmini- Starting with low cost Digital Signature System, you can purchase is NovoDSmini. It is easy to use software which does not require any programming knowledge. It has got plenty of built-in as well as customizable templates that can easily use in your power point presentation. It has also set of three hardware models (“devices”) and one (free) digital signage software that make it worth to purchase.

Novo DS- Is another good option you can opt. It is cloud-based software which is free of charge for each endpoint that allows the signage system designer and the content editor to distribute and manage playlists without any hassle. It has limited to FULL HD resolution and only wired communication providing better experience.

NovoDS 4K- It is a small box with large capacity that can be operating anywhere through intranet or Internet as per your suitability. It has HDMI input and output as well as RS232 integrated interface that allows the users to fully control the device.

NovoDS Cloud- It’s cloud-based software that allows the signage system designer or content editor to distribute and manage playlists. Also, the network administrator can boot remote devices so as to create role-based accounts for author, editor, manager for the authorized users.
To get any of these Digital Signature System, contact kTwo 2 Ltd to get them at discounted .