Data on Road Networks


Total length of 6940 km of National Highways has been constructed in the country during year 2019-20 till December, 2019, whereas 1522 km length of National Highways has been constructed during 2019-20 under Bharatmala project.

Maintenance and repair of National Highways is a continuous process. Maintenance of stretches of NHs, where either Development works have commenced or Operation, Maintenance and Transfer (OMT) Concessions/ Operation and Maintenance (O<M) Contracts have been awarded, are the responsibility of the concerned Concessioners/ Contractors till the Concession Period/ the Defect Liability Period (DLP). Maintenance of balance stretches of NHs, including restoration of damages due to floods, rainfalls, etc., on such stretches, are carried out annually as per available budgetary outlay, inter-se priority and traffic density to keep such NHs in traffic worthy conditions. Total funds allocated for maintenance of National highways for year 2019-20 is Rs. 2067.17 crore and expenditure till December, 2019 is Rs. 762.50 crore.