Skill Development Centres in Every Distict


Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship promotes establishment of model and aspirational skill centres known as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra (PMKK) in every district in the country for imparting skill training in the districts. For establishment of PMKK, Capital Expenditure upto 75% of the project investment as well as operational support is provided through the implementing agency – the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). As on 17.01.2020, 812 PMKKs have been allocated in 707 districts across the country; out of allocated PMKKs, 723 PMKKs have been established.

Under guidelines of PMKVY 2016-20, there are provisions for involvement/consultation of public representatives including MLAs/MPs for skill activities such as Kaushal Melas, Rozgar Melas, RPL’s camp inauguration, etc. Also, an online portal for Rozgar Melas has been established for disseminating the details to all stakeholders including public representatives. Moreover, the scheme is being monitored under DISHA meeting which is chaired by Member of Parliament.