Pool lighting – safer, prettier and more elegant


Having a pool in the garden or home patio is a dream for most people, the benefits of swimming pools are great, as well as giving us the best summers of all time and hundreds of hours of shared relaxation and fun with family and friends.

In addition to this, we can mention hundreds of elements that decorate the pool making it more attractive to all, among these elements we have the LED pool light.

Nothing more beautiful than an illuminated pool, the Pentair Globrite color led lights to give a special glow on the water which invites people to enjoy it.

Why light a pool?

There are many reasons why lighting a pool at night is a great idea, among them we highlight:

Pentair Intellibrite colour led pool light provides a higher level of security by keeping it lit at night and especially during events around it.

– The aesthetics of the pool changes to be illuminated, especially the lights that are submerged provide a special atmosphere.

– The pool acquires an unmatched value by being illuminated, which will surely be a focal point in all meetings and events at home, in addition to being the main protagonist of hundreds of photographs.

– The options to illuminate the pools are practically endless. Currently, you can purchase lighting systems of various types and models. Pool light system that can even be controlled remotely by remote controls, the styles of the lamps can vary as desired and the number of lights and density of lighting can be regulated according to people’s tastes.

Safety of pool lighting:

In addition to providing protection when illuminated, the lights that are installed in the pools have a degree of IP protection that makes them resistant to constant immersion, eliminating the risk of short circuits and problems that may affect people’s health.

How many spotlights do I put in the pool?

In the construction pools, it is recommended to put a spotlight every 3 to 70 cm from the edge of the pool and oriented in the opposite direction to the house or the terrace where we will be to avoid glare.

In the case of having a dark interior tile, increase the number of bulbs to install. we must also take into account what type of light we are going to put and how it is going to be projected in the pool since there are ceiling lamps that have greater aperture than others.

At torontopoolsupplies.ca, we have all types of LED lights for swimming pool at the best prices. We also deal in pool cleaner parts and pool pump parts.