Irrespective of the Virus Outbreak Outside Schools Environment Should Remain Hygienic


Amidst of novel virus outbreak in India Jindal Public School, Dwarka has started scoring its world-class cleanliness and hygienic measures. In order to ensure full safety for children, the school has issued a set of guidelines for the parents stating numbers of hygienic habits that they can easily help to promote among children.

As the Jindal School’s premises is considered to have one of the most healthy environments for children and very responsible staffs, the school administration has guided teachers to take extra care of children. Also, in a school as children comes from different families so the school has requested parents to maintain the proper hygiene of children when they stay at home.

Importance of Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is important not just for your child but also for the entire family. The germs which your child picks up at school can spread easily to the rest of the family. You should make sure your child is wearing a clean uniform with all the essential elements of the school but it’s also crucial that you teach your child basic cleanliness. You can take some simple steps that will help in two ways — one, these measures will promote good hygiene in children and two, they help to prevent germ spread in school.

Teach your child to cover his nose while coughing or sneezing

If your child coughs or sneezes without covering his nose and mouth, germs are airborne. This can be particularly dangerous in a classroom where the children sit close to each other. To avoid this, promote the use of a handkerchief. Tissues work just as well. Make sure that your child throws used tissues into a bin and then washes hands with soap and water.

Hygienic Hands

Hand washing is one of the most essential and simple hygiene habits that your child can know. It is also an impact way of preventing germ spread in school. Teach your child to wash hands thoroughly before and after eating food; after using the toilet, coughing or sneezing, playing in the school ground, etc. Washing hands with soap and water together should become a daily habit.

Ensure finger nails are clean.

It is widely known that fingernails are a breeding ground for bacteria. Under the nails of your infant, germs that accumulate can be easily transferred to the mouth, eyes, and nose. In most cases, this may lead to infection and illness. Make sure your child’s fingernails are regularly clipped and trimmed each week.

Foot hygiene

One thing which parents often neglect is foot hygiene in their schoolgoing children. Sweaty feet, also known as the feet of athletes, can sometimes lead to infections. Instead of those made of synthetic fiber, make your child wear cotton-lined socks.

Food hygiene

Nutrition is another important aspect, where hygiene is paramount. Make sure you wash the tiffin box properly while packing food for your boy. Please pack up the freshly prepared food along with a bottle of clean water.

As parents, apart from those hygiene considerations, it is your duty to:

• Keep your child’s school bag clean and free of food leftovers. This becomes even more important if your child brings snacks or packed lunch to school.

• Make sure your child frequently switches to a clean set of socks and innerwear.

• Please wash the school uniforms to kill bacteria at high temperatures.

If your child is ill, make sure you visit the doctor if the child does not feel better after a few days. Don’t send your child to school until the child recovers fully. Remember, keeping your child clean and following proper hygiene is the path to a healthy life.