Steps to increase earnings and safety of rail travel


Revenue Expenditure and Revenue Receipts of Indian Railways for the last three years are as under:

(Rs. in crore)


Revenue receipts and rate of increase/decrease(-) over previous year

Revenue expenditure and rate of increase/decrease(-) over previous year




165382.48 (-1.78%)

160469.48 (7.59%)



178929.64 (8.19%)

177264.03 (10.47%)



190507.37 (6.47%)

186733.51 (5.34%)


Following corrective measures have been taken to increase the earnings both in passenger and freight segments:

With a view to ensure optimum utilization of available accommodation and enhance passenger earnings, various initiatives have been undertaken including running of special trains, augmentation of on-board capacity, introduction and rationalization of Flexi-fare scheme in premium trains, graded discount in classes and sections with low occupancy and offering fare of AC Chair Car and Second class unreserved for AC-3tier coaches and Sleeper class coaches respectively having low occupancy on particular sections, periodic review of reservation quota and introduction of Alternate Train Accommodation Scheme known as VIKALP.
Recently, the passenger fares have also been rationalized w.e.f. 01.01.2020 wherein there is a marginal increase in fare only over the non-suburban sections of Indian Railways. The increase is to the tune of 01 paisa/PKM (Passenger Kilometer) 02 paisa per PKM and 04 paisa per PKM for non-suburban (Ordinary), non-AC classes < AC classes respectively. There is no fare hike for passengers over suburban sections and season ticket holders.
The freight was rationalized from 01.11.2018.
Increase in haulage charge of Container trains @ 5% w.e.f. 01.12.2018.
Terminal charge @ Rs.20/- per tonne has been levied on both inward and outward commodities (excluding container traffic) w.e.f. 27.12.2018.
The freight rate of Merry go Round (MGR) has further been revised w.e.f. 01.05.2018 and was valid upto 30.04.2019. Beyond 30.04.2019 upto 30.04.2020, the freight rate will be increased by 5%. Thereafter, further 5% increase in freight rates upto 30.04.2021.
To promote ease of doing business and to minimize the cost, Indian Railway has implemented Electronic registration of demand for wagons (e-RD) and Electronic Transmission of Railway Receipt (e-TRR).

Safety is accorded the highest priority by Indian Railways and all possible steps are undertaken on a continuous basis to prevent accidents and to enhance safety. These include timely replacement of over-aged assets, adoption of suitable technologies for upgradation and maintenance of track, rolling stock, signalling and interlocking systems, safety drives, greater emphasis on training of officials and safety inspections at regular intervals to monitor and educate staff for observance of safe practices.

A Fund namely ‘Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK)’ has been created in 2017-18 with a corpus of Rs.1 lakh crore over a period of five years for critical safety related works with an annual outlay of 20,000 crore. Expenditure of Rs.16,091 crore and Rs.18,023 crore has been incurred out of RRSK during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively on Track Renewals, Road Over/Under Bridge, Signalling and Telecom Works and Rolling stock. An outlay of Rs.20,000 crore has been allocated under RRSK in Budget Estimates in 2019-20 also.
Preventive and predictive maintenance of the Railway assets is undertaken to ensure safe train operation. Safety devices/systems being used to prevent accidents include Electronic Interlocking, track circuiting, provision of Block Proving Axle Counters, Colour Light LED Signals, Train Protection and Warning System, Vigilance Control Device, Fog Pass Device, usage of 52 kg/60 kg, 90 kg or higher UTS rails and pre-stressed Concrete Sleepers, use of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection of rails and welds at predefined periodicity to detect internal flaws in rails/welds.
Electronic monitoring of track geometry is carried out to detect defects and plan maintenance. Steel Channel Sleepers on girder bridges are being used while carrying out primary track renewals. Further, it has been decided to lay Thick webs switches, Weldable Cast Maganese Steel crossings on identified routes. Progressive use of Linke Hofmann Busch Coaches (LHB), use of Centre Buffer Couplers with Integral Coach Factory Coaches, etc. Railway tracks are replaced on age-cum-condition basis through track renewal works which is an ongoing process.
Other measures include training of loco pilots and other safety category staff, improvement of their working conditions including proper rest and periodic medical examination etc. Besides, patrolling of tracks, footplate inspections and safety reviews at various levels, etc. are regularly conducted to continuously monitor and improve safety aspects of the Indian Railways.