WP Engine Specializes in One Thing: Managed WordPress Hosting


WP Engine focuses on providing the best possible service for your website or blog, eschewing extras that other web hosts typically bundle with their hosting plans (e.g., email, free domain names).

Focused on Website Performance

One of WP Engine’s biggest selling points over more traditional shared hosting options is its focus on optimizing the performance of sites and blogs built using WordPress.

WP Engine “Performance Intelligence” solution offers you real-time data about how your site is doing and, more importantly, what you can do to make it run faster. Finally, you can review your analytics again to make sure the tweaks you are making are effective.

Our Response Time Tests

We ran a Pingdom report on WP Engine in comparison with three other top hosting companies. WP Engine beats two top hosts, Bluehost and HostGator, throughout the entire time period with an average page load time of 338 ms.

What Do You Get With WP Engine’s Plans?

Rather than offering its users a choice of hosting type (e.g., shared, VPS, dedicated) the way many other vendors do, WP Engine offers plans based on the needs of your website. When making your purchase, you will choose your plan based on the number of monthly visits you expect, storage space needs, and so on.

As a managed hosting provider, you simply work with WP Engine to figure out what your blog’s needs are, and the company will help you meet those needs.

When signing up for a WP Engine plan, there are three options from which you can choose. The best option for you depends on the size of your website and the amount of traffic you expect on a monthly basis.

Regardless of which plan you choose, all WP Engine plans come with this benefits

# The Genesis Framework and 35+ StudioPress Themes to help you create a unique WordPress site with ease
# Multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) so that you can create and test changes to reduce the possibility of pushing breaking changes directly to your production environment
# Global CDN
# Automated SSL certificates

If you need more than what is offered by any of the plans we have already covered, WP Engine offers custom solutions geared toward “large businesses and mission-critical sites” needing a “dedicated environment [that] delivers high performance.”

A custom solution might be the best option for you if you:

# Expect millions of visits per month
# Need between 100 GB – 1 TB of local storage
# Need 400 GB (or more) or bandwidth per month
# Support up to 25 websites of blogs

Frameworks, Plugins, and Free Premium Themes

One of the biggest perks that all WP Engine customers get is access to StudioPress’ Genesis Framework, on which you can build powerful, unique themes for your blog. All hosting plans come with the framework itself, as well as over 35 StudioPress themes (which is valued at over $2000).

Contact us for more information about WP Engine Services.