Tips to buy cheap flights


If you are in search of the ways to buy bileta avioni te lira, you are here at the right place.The following are some of the tips which you should keep in mind while booking bileta avioni online te lira.

1. Be flexible with dates:

We know that in many cases it is difficult, but as far as possible it is always advisable to be flexible with dates. As a general rule, January and November are usually the cheapest months to travel while July and August are the most expensive.

Also, it will always be cheaper to fly during the week than at the weekend, especially on short flights. Our advice is that when you look for a ticket you always use the option offered by some search engines and airlines to “view the whole month” and so, with all the prices of the selected month ahead, you can choose the cheapest dates. Also, you can check offers for oferta per vitin e ri.

2. Prepare to make stops:

That doing scales does not make you lazy. In most cases, direct flights will be more expensive than trips that involve several flights until you reach your destination, even if that means stopping at different airports to change planes.

3. Delete cookies:

It seems silly, but it has never happened to you to look for a flight, not purchase because you decide to think about it. And when you look for it again do you see that the price has risen? Your browser keeps a record of that search and the airline website knows it.

You have already implied that you are interested in that flight and that you are likely to buy it, so you may increase the price because if it sneaks in, it sneaks in. If this happens, we advise you to try to delete your browser’s cookies, use incognito mode or check it from another device. If the price increase was for this you will find the price you saw the first time. You can also check various bileta avioni me oferte.

4. Low cost? Better not invoices:

This advice sure you already know, but it is not bad to remember. Indeed, most of the low-cost airlines do not include checked baggage on their tickets, only hand luggage. If you want to carry a large suitcase you will have to pay for it.

If you want to save it is better not to bill. You may fly to a distant destination and your ticket does include checked luggage, but if once there you want to move in a low cost to make short trips.