Stay on top of the advantages of using bamboo flooring


Floors made of pure wood are a rarity today. There are many types of materials that imitate wood, both in its colors and in its textures. Bamboo is a different floor. It was not created to imitate wood but to replace it.

Bamboo has a large number of advantages over wood, which should put it more and more prominently as a material used in construction and interior decoration. Its use in furniture is already well known, but now it also wants to be part of our fertigparkett.

For this, there is no lack of virtues, since bamboo is a very resistant material. Harder than oak and much more durable than any other fiber, Woven Parkett offers great resistance.

It is made by casting bamboo fibers at a high pressure, which gives the product a higher density when compared to other types of flooring.

The strength of Bambus Sichtschutz Elemente characteristics is very similar to those of floating floors and laminate floors, except that the bamboo floor is more resistant to moisture than the two floors mentioned above.

Regarding the ecological factor, bamboo is one of the oldest living beings on the planet and one of the most fascinating. It is one of the plants with the highest growth speed.

For example, a bamboo forest regenerates every 6 years, while an oak forest takes about 50 years, or a pine forest takes up to 10 years.

This rapid regeneration is an ideal solution to fight deforestation. That is why bamboo is considered as the plant of the future, the protagonist plant of the 21st century and an excellent substitute for traditional wood.

In addition, it is a material that does not expand with the temperature changes very common, therefore, excellent to help regulate the internal temperature of the house.

Parkettkaufen is also great for absorbing noise, giving this material yet another advantage.

If you are interested in this material and want to get to know it in order to possibly install it in your home, consult specialized floor stores or search the internet.

You will be amazed at the number of models, colors and formats that already exist. Also, take into account the fact that you are putting a product in your home that will last longer and require less maintenance. Your final cost may not be as high as other floors.