MillionCenters App Crosses 150,000+ Downloads on Play Store


MillionCenters, the online learning discovery platform that connects teachers and centers with learners, just crossed the coveted 15,000+ downloads mark on Google Play Store.

The MillionCenters Android app has been instrumental in helping children, teenagers and adults find reliable and suitable hobby centers near them since its launch. Now the community has just covered the 15K+ mark which further strengthens the bond shared between learners and teachers, and helps them connect with each other seamlessly through the app.

Team MillionCenters have also decided to start another initiative in the learning and personal development space by launching the ‘communities’ section on the app – with this feature, like-minded individuals (whether teacher or students) can easily connect with people who have the same interests or hobbies as them. This feature is built to add more value to the MillionCenters app and encourage youngsters to look beyond mindless social media scrolling, helping them form meaningful and useful social connections for co-learning.

Since its launch only a few months ago, the MillionCenters app has been able to bridge the gap between home tutors, coaching centers, gyms, hobby classes and their target audience. The response in Delhi-NCR has been tremendous and it has led to coming up with new and improved features for the learning and teaching community, in general.

Captain Surinder Singh, Managing Partner, MillionCenters, says – “Social communities have always been the best way to learn and earn. With the MillionCenters app, we are excited to bring this concept up front and center to all. Youngsters can now connect with like-minded people on our app, and also explore opportunities to earn simultaneously. This opens up new and better avenues for personal and professional development for youth. And we’re excited to be leading this starting from Delhi-NCR and eventually expanding this to other states and cities with most of our user base.”

Since its launch, the MillionCenters app (Android IOS) has already become a one-stop solution for posting learning requirements and finding suitable learning centers, tutors or trainers near you. There are close to 30 plus categories where home tutors, coaching centers and private teachers can list themselves namely, Academics, adventures, sports, music, martial arts, cookery, dance, yoga and spiritual, playschool, photography, arts, fitness, playschool, etc.

With the social community feature and an intensive focus on co-learning, the MillionCenters team aims to extend its impact beyond individuals, and encourage the community to be learn and teach together. This can be related with something that AirBnB is doing for the home rental market – building communities around the product and creating value for both demand and supply.

Team MillionCenters is now set to expand its footprint across Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, as well. Their ultimate vision to make learning and teaching simple, accessible and convenient for everyone is what continues to drive them forward.

You can connect with them on social here: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
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App – Android IOS

You can contact them here:, +91 9999 749 299