Poor ergonomics at workplace can give birth to muscle knots


New Delhi: With the changing working hours and highly pressurized jobs, most of the working professionals and cooperates spend their significant time sitting in front of digital screens which can be a contributing factor for a medical disorder known as muscle knots. Stress, anxiety, dehydration and injuries are some factors which can lead to this ailment.

Muscle knots are the bump like areas that can be sometimes painful. These are hard, sensitive areas of muscles which contracts even the muscles of an individual is in position of rest. These occur when the muscle fibers and band of tissue called fascia becomes tighten and tensed.

“Due to the hectic schedule and stressful working hours, corporate and working professionals are highly vulnerable to develop muscle knots. Long working hours may increase the chances of developing this disease as most of the working force spends their significant time sitting at their workplace and In fact, in a same position for number of hours. The initial symptoms of muscle knots tension headaches, earaches, toothaches and difficulty in sleeping. These can occur anywhere in the body but are mostly found in neck, shoulders, back and can be in muscles of hip region too” Said Dr. Akhilesh Yadav, Senior Transplant Head Joint Replacement (Hip & Knee), Centre for Knee and Hip Care, Ghaziabad

These are usually caused by injuries or stress and the condition can be helped with certain home remedies. If the condition is not that severe home remedies like normal exercises, muscle rubs around the affected area and inflammatory medications can help in improving the condition. But in some cases muscle knots can cause unbearable pain and requires immediate medical attention.

“But sometimes a muscle knot can be a serious medical condition known as swollen lymph node. Thi condition is accompanied by other symptoms like cough, cold. If you think you are having a muscle knot or something else then consult the doctor immediately. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help in preventing serious medical disorders.” Added Dr Akhilesh