Inspection of ROBs/RUBs in Railways


As on 01.04.2019 there are 1,50,746 bridges on Indian Railways network including Road Over Bridges (ROBs) and Rail Under Bridges (RUBs). Safety of Bridges is accorded high priority on Indian Railways. There is a well established system of inspection of bridges including Road Over Bridges (ROBs) and Rail Under Bridges (RUBs) on Indian Railways. All the bridges are inspected twice a year, one before the onset of monsoon and one detailed inspection after the monsoon by the designated officials.

Various modern technologies like Drone Survey, 3D Scanning of River Beds and Water Level Monitoring have been adopted and being used for the inspection of the bridges. During 2019-20, a total of 4168 railway bridges are sanctioned for repairing / strengthening/ rehabilitation / rebuilding at an allocated fund of Rs. 752 crore.