Best Breweries in Vermont For Pale Ale Beer


Did you know that India pale ale, more commonly known as IPA is a type of beer which is high in hop content than any other ale? In recent years this particular type of beer has taken every one by storm. If you believe without any doubt that beer is a drink which takes the highest importance for a celebration or at a party, on any occasion as for that matter, Snow Republic in Vermont is the place you must visit. To taste the best craft beer in Vermont Snow Republic is great place to visit and grab pretzel bites. At Snow Republic you can enjoy HOP AVALANCHE, New England India Pale Ale (IPA) 6.3% Hazy, New England style IPA made with Mandarina Bavaria, Wakatu, and Azzaca hops flaunting flavours of citrus, melon rind and cantaloupe.

Snow Republic is the best breweries in Vermont for pale ale beer. You can try something new and tasty, such as finest pale ale beer, porter beer, pilsner beer, white wine, red wine, whiskey, tequila, and more at Snow Republic.

India pale ale is taken to be one of the best beer types and is being considered by many people in social gatherings. It is most in demand at wedding receptions, gatherings, and office parties, as the best chilled beer. India pale ale is a bold drink which derived its name in the 1700s because of high alcohol content in the ale. It has found its way amazingly in the beer industry and is going strong. The aroma of the drink is fruity, perfumy, floral and piney. The color can be from golden to dark amber. India pale ale has strong aroma of hops. The aroma too depends on the amount of hops used. The aroma is either of a sweet citrus blossom or of pine.

Snow Republic is one of the crowded Vermont nightclubs in West Dover, VT. The ambiance inside the nightclub is splendid, entertaining and super-friendly. Comfortable staff at the counter let you know about what beers are available to taste. It is the best brewery with excellent and tastefully decorated tasting rooms to enjoy the thrilling experience.

About Snow Republic Brewery:

SNOW REPUBLIC is the best Vermont brewing company located in West Dover, VT 4 miles away from mount snow. The carefree, friendly-nature owners, Walt and Asha with their talented chefs prepare and cater gatherings and dinner with family and friends including corporate lunches.

For more information about best breweries in Vermont for pale ale beer visit our website