Reversal of Heart diseases possible through ‘EduVaccine’– Dr Chhajer


New Delhi: While polio and smallpox have successfully been eradicated from India, it is also possible to eradicate the burden of heart ailments through vaccine from the society, claims Dr Bimal Chhajer. ‘Edu Vaccine’ developed by Dr Bimal Chajjer can also assist in reversal of heart diseases.

According to him vaccine is possible to prevent and control this common and fatal disease – this can be called “An Education Vaccine”. This is a four-hour education camp or training for heart patients and those with a high risk of developing heart disease in future.

“We have been successful in Eradicating both the disease (smallpox and polio) by attacking the root of the disease by mass Vaccination. Present day Cardiologists are in the wrong track by emphasizing more use of Bypass surgery or Angioplasty, medicines, emergency treatments – but they are overlooking the real cause of heart attack and heart disease. If all of them work by removal of the cause of heart disease – namely diet, exercise, Yoga, stress Management – we can control the spread of heart disease as well as work towards Eradicating heart disease.” Said Dr. Bimal Chhajer, Director of SAAOL Heart Center.

A four-hour program has been developed by SAAOL, under the leadership of Dr. Chhajer who runs more than 82 centers across the world. This program is called “Heart Education Vaccine”, has treated more than 2 lacs heart patients successfully for the last 24 years with non-invasive methods like lifestyle change, US FDA approved EECP and a combination of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and Detoxification.

“Till today heart disease remains the most common cause of death in most of the countries of the world. India is the present-day leader in the whole of the world so far as the number of heart patients is concerned and the number of heart patients is still in the increase. There are 8-10 crore (80-100 million) heart patients in India and every 10 seconds one person dies of heart disease in this country. This makes roughly about 9000 deaths per day and about 30 lac deaths per year. The Science of Cardiology is failing.” Added Dr Chhajer

Dr. Bimal Chhajer, a Heart Care and Lifestyle expert – founded SAAOL (Science and Art of Living) Heart Center in 1995 has been working on “Reversal of Heart disease” for last 24 years. He has developed a Chart – called SAAOL Safety Circle – which can guide every adult of the country to take steps to reverse and prevent heart disease. It has three circles and 12 factors to control. Six related to medical parameters, four related to Diet and four on Habits.