New Company Offers Specialized Mosquito Control Services in Matthews, NC


Summary: Queen Bee Mosquito Control has recently launched in Matthews, NC. They plan to offer a range of unique services tailored toward mosquito pest control.

Mosquitoes love living in hot and humid climates. As such, it’s no surprise that they’re out in force during summertime in Matthews. The weather across North Carolina often gets very hot and muggy throughout the summer months. Many local residents have complained about mosquito infestations for years. Queen Bee Mosquito Control has heard these complaints, and wants to do something about it. This new company has recently launched to try and tackle the mosquito problem in Matthews. The services on offer will use specialist treatments to both get rid of mosquitoes and prevent them from returning.

Queen Bee Mosquito Control is a small local business that’s run by a resident of Matthews. The owner, Keenan McGrath, knows all too well about the struggles people face during the humid summer months. Mosquitoes can live in people’s gardens and multiply very quickly. As a consequence, they get inside homes and become a real problem. There aren’t enough mosquito control services in Matthews, NC to help residents with this issue. So, this new company has a lot to handle, but they’re more than up for it.

Mosquito Fogging & Mosquito Barriers
The business currently offers a mosquito fogging service for anyone in the local area. This is seen as an alternative treatment to the typical options available. Normally, if a home has a mosquito problem, then it needs to be fumigated. This presents some practical concerns, along with health worries. Fumigations use lots of harmful chemicals that mean families must leave their home while the fumes do their work.

Queen Bee Mosquito Control offers a different approach. Mosquito fogging is an external treatment that kills any existing mosquitos and forms a mosquito barrier around the property. The treatment uses pesticides that are sprayed around to create an invisible fog barrier. The chemicals used have the least amount of toxicity possible, so they’re not harmful to humans, pets, and other mammals and birds. After one hour of drying time, it’s safe to go outside. There’s no need for any safety masks, a fumigation tent, that’s all there is to it.

The spray reacts with mosquitoes and can kill them if they stay exposed to it for too long. As a result, the mosquitoes will either fly away or die, and none will attempt to come near the area that’s protected by the spray.

Residential, Neighborhood and Events Treatments
The company is primarily set up to treat homes with mosquito problems. However, they also provide their mosquito control services for special events, like weddings, school events, birthdays, and so on. Communities can also take advantage of the mosquito fogging treatment for tennis courts, parks, outdoor pools, and green spaces.

Queen Bee Mosquito Control may be a new business, but they’re on the rise. With summer fast approaching, the people of Matthews will benefit from some preventative mosquito control services.

Further details on services can be seen on