Banking Risk Summits Are Over – Until the Next Annuals!


Two weeks ago, on 11th-13th February 2020, over 200 banking risk professionals gathered in the city centre of Vienna in order to participate at two recognised events organised by Allan Lloyds: 14th Annual Banking Operational Risk Management Summit and 13th Annual Banking Credit Risk Management Summit.
The success and high quality of these two events are every year attracting number of new experts that are keen to hear from the best companies on the market and at the same time, the number of returning attendees remains outstanding.
This year’s participants had an excellent opportunity to listen to the case studies presented by executives of Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Danske Bank, Nordea, UBS, Intesa Sanpaolo, Raiffeisen International AG, Swedbank and many others. During two days, thanks to a very intensive programme and schedule, they have heard about numerous issues that are at the moment affecting practically all banks and financial institutions.
Operational risk specialists discussed various topics from outsourcing, reputational risk, conduct risk, the ever-challenging topic of 3 lines of defence, new technologies and advanced analytics to sustainability. In the other room, experts of credit risk dealt with tough matters of stress testing, IFRS9, risk appetite framework, counterparty credit risk, regulatory journey and of course they also touched how are new technologies, RPA, Big Data or machine learning impacting credit risk management.
Horst Schoeler from Deutsche Bank said about the event: “What I really like about this event is that it is up to date with the topics, we discuss what really drives the industry at the moment. And I have enjoyed interaction with my peers from UBS, Credit Suisse, ING, Citi bank and the opportunity to understand where they are standing, how they are approaching the topics and learn from them as well.”
The risk events might be over, but Allan Lloyds has in its portfolio many other banking events planned for this year! You can have a look at our website or stay updated regarding our upcoming events. Do not forget to follow us on LinkedIn and never miss any news!

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Allan Lloyds is the world’s leading provider of high-quality conferences as perfect opportunities to share forward-looking ideas and business knowledge. This helps organisations of all sizes to optimise their people and processes, leading to outstanding professional development and superior business results. Allan Lloyds has a growing client base made up of international organisations and Fortune 500 companies such as Nokia, Microsoft, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Vodafone, Orange, Shell, UniCredit or Deutsche Bank. To find out more about us and our conferences, visit:

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