Body Fat Freezing: Is This The Best Option For You?


Do you have stubborn areas of fat that aren’t responding to dietary changes or exercise? You might be curious to know about non-surgical body contouring treatments that target and destroy fat cells without surgery. At you will find great medical spa for treatments such as CoolSculpting in an atmosphere that is luxurious.

Now at Freeze the Fat you can freeze fat off with non-surgical fat removal CoolSculpting. To get the best CoolSculpting treatment in Los Angeles FreezetheFatDr medical spa offers CoolSculpting doctors having expertise in this non-invasive fat reduction technique. CoolSculpting is an FDA approved, non-surgical and non-invasive fat removal technique getting results without the need for surgery. It is a fat reduction treatment that has been proven to effectively freeze and diminish the number of fat cells.

At FreezetheFatDr medical spa get CoolSculpting at $600. Developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting is a clinically proven procedure that selectively targets and freezes fat cells. You will find the experts using advanced cooling system to crystallise fat cells, which will trigger natural fat cell death. Your body then naturally processes and eliminates the dead fat cells over a period of 1-3 months.

Clients at FreezetheFatDr medical spa notice CoolSculpting results natural-looking fat reduction in treated areas, with no damage to the skin, nerves, or other cells. You will generally notice a 20% visible fat reduction in the area(s) treated. Results may be seen as soon as just 1 month, with optimal results seen between 8 and 12 weeks. As the procedure is non-surgical you are able to resume normal activities immediately.

FreezetheFatDr medical spa promotes uniformity in the treatment of patients to ensure the best results. It also allows patients a feeling of comfort in the surroundings which is important as well. Medical spa is a great fusion of popular non-invasive cosmetic surgery procedures and traditional relaxation spa services. They can be an effective way to get out of the office and come back looking and feeling young and refreshed.

About FreezetheFatDr:

FreezetheFatDr medical spa close to you is a custom-built facility staffed by highly specialized professionals. They offer dedicated treatment rooms at premier location and cutting edge technologies. All the treatments are designed to provide incredible positive health and cosmetic outcomes with minimal recovery times. Most of their treatments are non-invasive, giving you that natural look without seeming like you’ve had work done.

Freeze the fat easily and get rid of unwanted fat with no surgery and painless dermatology treatment.

For more information about CoolSculpting Doctors visit our website