Needing an Affordable Condition Monitoring System? Check out STI Vibration Monitoring Inc.


STI Vibration Monitoring Inc. is the first name to always consider when you need to find the best condition monitoring system.

Being in this field since 1989, STI Vibration Monitoring knows everything about vibration monitoring and machine protecting systems. They only use the best methods and materials to create long-lasting and durable products.

STI started its journey with a different name as Sales Technology Inc. and created CMCP in 1995. The biggest reason was to lower the costing solutions and help customers enjoy the ultimate flexibility in the present market. Later, in 2010, Sales Technology turned into STI Vibration Monitoring Inc.

Their products are manufactured in the USA, in Nevada and Texas. Being an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company, this company knows to check each item thoroughly before presenting it to the customers. The same is done with the condition monitoring system as well. They also offer machine protection systems at affordable prices by creating a monitoring system based on single channels.

STI specializes in lower-cost alternatives to Rack Based Monitoring Systems. Other than sensor cables, STI has a wide range of standard products, from Velocity Sensors to Accelerometer mounting hardware, Loop powered transmitters and even power supplies. Whether you are looking for vibration switches for the proximity probe mounting tools, this company has it all.

Apart from the basic condition monitoring system, this team knows how to customize items to match the flexible requirements of their customer’s needs. They have specialized switch boxes and wireless monitoring systems, customized to match the needs of their customers.

For more information about their products and services, get in touch with the professionals at STI at

Contact Us:

STI Vibration Monitoring Inc.
1010 East Main Street
League City, Texas 77573
Phone: 281.334.0766
FAX: 281.334.4255