Best Way to Get from Cusco to Puno, Peru


Travelling from Cusco to Puno takes around 8 hours on a direct bus and is a journey usually done overnight. Generally, it is recommended to depart Cusco at 10pm to arrive in Puno early in the morning at around 6am. This way, you can make it on time for any Lake Titicaca tour which usually begins around 7am. You have to be in Cusco for at least 2 nights before the Inca Trail for acclimatization. A day for Pisac (walk down from the top of the ruins to the village) and the ruins north of Cusco (don’t miss Sacsayhuaman).

Best Way to Get from Cusco to Puno, Peru is suggested by the team at Machu Picchu Tours. Each has their own advantages. The best way to travel between Cusco and Puno is ultimately dependent on how you like to travel and your priorities.

The most popular Cusco – Machu Picchu most features tours of peru at Machu Picchu Tours includes:
Day 1: Pick up from airport to Hotel
Day 2: City Tour (half day)
Day 3: Sacred Valley tour (full day)
Day 4: Cusco to Maras-Moray & Aguas calientes Town
Day 5: Machu Picchu Tour & back to Cusco
Day 6: Transfer out

One of the many travellers at Machu Picchu Tours, says, ‘Trip of a Life Time. John was an incredible tour guide and host to this lovely country. The group was always laughing and was so well informed at the same time! Visiting Peru was a trip of a life time and I highly recommend John and Machu Picchu Tours!:)’

Machu Picchu Tours Leaders are chosen for their high professionalism, expertise, a passion to explore and the desire to share unforgettable moments. Machu Picchu Tours operates with group leaders whose skills and attention to details are valued and recognized through their client’s feedback. This just is another testament that Machu Picchu Tours as a local agency value their clients and do their best to offer the best experience possible.

Machu Picchu Tours is committed to maintaining and protecting the natural, cultural and heritage aspects within Peru. The ultimate goal, as an agency, is to promote sustainable development and contribute to the local economy by creating employment and consumption of local products.

About Machu Picchu Tours:

Machu Picchu Tours is a unique local Tour Operator that runs small groups ideal for the young and young at heart! They offer unforgettable tours that are customized and tailored to their customer’s needs. The tours vary from the most cultural to the most adventurous experience whilst contributing to the development of a sustainable tourism. For more information of Cusco Puno Tour visit here :