What Are The Symptoms Of End Stage Lung Disease Answered By Texas Hospice


Bedford, Texas (webnewswire) February 18, 2020 – Harbor Light Hospice, a Texas hospice, recently released a blog answering the question “What are the symptoms of end stage lung disease?” Understanding this illness can help families provide better care for a loved one experiencing end stage lung disease.

Lung disease has several potential causes, each of which can bring about different symptoms. Some of these include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, which makes it more difficult to breathe and is in turn caused primarily by smoking. Pulmonary fibrosis is the result of lung tissue scarring, while cystic fibrosis affects the body’s ability to produce mucus, sweat, and digestive fluid. Pulmonary vascular disease, another common factor, refers to any disease that affects the blood vessels between the heart and lungs. Most of these causes of lung disease are caused by exposure to chemicals and irritants, though cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease.

Symptoms of end stage lung disease typically include shortness of breath, which can make it difficult to take full breaths and may require oxygen treatment to resolve. Low oxygen levels can also cause fatigue, and your loved one may not be able to walk or move around the way they once did. Other breathing-related concerns also include fast breathing in an attempt to get more oxygen. Finally, loved ones with end stage lung disease may also experience confusion due to high levels of carbon dioxide in their bloodstream. This means they may not remember where they are, who they are with, or how to complete basic tasks.

Hospice care services can help you provide your loved one with the support they need to retain a high quality of life in their last six months. Speak to Harbor Light Hospice for more information about hospice care for lung disease patients. Through these services, your loved one will receive pain management treatment, mobility support, and help completing daily tasks like dressing and bathing. Harbor Light’s teams of experienced nurses, doctors, and therapists can provide your family with a customized care plan that supports your unique needs and provides your loved one with compassionate care. Harbor Light’s Bedford office is located at 801 Forest Ridge Dr, Suite 100, Bedford, TX 76022. The hospice can be contacted by phone at 817-358-4777 or online at https://www.harborlighthospice.com/locations/texas/.
