What are the advantages and disadvantages of hair transplant surgery?


Hair Transplant Treatment

Hair Transplantation is a Cosmetic surgery in which individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp that known as “Donor site” to a bald or balding part of the scalp called are “recipient site”. It is mostly used to treat male pattern baldness. Hair transplantation is a hair restoration procedure performed on both men and women. Who is suffering from significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where no longer hair grows? The likely factors of baldness and excessive hair loss in men are commonly due to genetic factors and hormone DHT. The usual types of male baldness are the hairline gradually recedes and scalp visibility increases exposing bald areas. Or gradually thinning of hairs at the crown area or at the very top of the scalp. And women’s hair loss is usually due to hormonal changes, and it’s likely to be thinning of hairs from the entire head. One can also take hair transplantation treatment to replace hair loss due to burns, injury or diseases of the scalp. If you are looking for a hair transplant in South Delhi then the only name to be considered is Dr. P. K Talwar, he provides the best hair transplant in Greater Kailash. They provide the best services at reasonable prices and use advanced techniques so that they have result-oriented treatments.

Advantages of Hair Transplant:

It is one way of hair Restoration procedure which involves transplantation of your own hair taken out from your back of the scalp. After the procedure, the hair starts growing naturally and the color of the hair is the same as your original hair. It completes its recovery within 8 to 10 months.

Disadvantages of Hair Transplant:

Although hair transplant has lots of advantages, on the other hand, it has a few disadvantages also. It is essential for a patient who undergoes a transplant to have a good General Health. The success of a transplant surgery largely depends on the quality of the existing Donor area. Recovery is also a time bomb.

Laser Hair Removal

Dr. P.K Talwar’s clinic is known for the best Laser hair removal clinic in Greater Kailash. Laser hair removal is used to get rid of unwanted hairs, although the treatment is pain-free and even doesn’t cause much. Visit us for the best Laser hair removal clinic in South Delhi.