Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions to host National HR Summit 2020


Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions (DBGI) is organizing the National HR Summit 2020, on 22nd February at DBGI’s Dehradun campus. The broad theme of the summit is ‘HR Trends in the era of Artificial Intelligence’ which is the nod to the landmark transformation in the field of HR due to the technological advancements. One day annual gathering will consist of the prominent Human Resource Officers (HR’s) from all around the nation. With Mr. Prem Goswami, Vice President and HR Head at R-Systems as the chief guest and with many other popular personals of the HR domain like Mr. Arpit Pajwani (Director, MAMS), Mr. Rakesh Arora (CEO, Taazaa Tech Pvt. Ltd), Mr. Aneesh Jain (Head Talent Acquisition, Fiserv India Ltd) as guests of honour in the panel, the summit is aimed to discuss the recent trends of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the career opportunities in different departments. The panel, along with the Chief Patron Mr. Sanjay Bansal, Patron Mr. Aman Bansal and program convener Dr Manisha Maiduly will also talk about how the technological advancements in the field have made future in HR a combination of both the digital and human and how this combination can help in optimizing and transforming the work and the workers in the field. DBGI is hosting the National HR Summit for the second year in the row with the purpose to provide a resolute platform that aids in sharing the best experiences, insights, understandings, industry affairs and the latest advancements in the field of HR which will eventually lead to bringing improvement, development and revolution in the field.