Union Culture and Tourism Minister Shri Prahlad Singh Patel and Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Rupani to inaugurate the two day meet on Destination Management and Community Participation in Gujarat


Minister of State for Tourism and Culture (IC) Shri Prahlad Singh Patel and Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Rupaniwill inaugurate the two day event/meeting on Destination Management and CommunityParticipation, in Gujsraton 13thFebruary 2020. The event has been organized by the Ministries of Tourism and Culture incooperation with the Government of Gujarat at Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.

The event has been convened to discuss theimportance of Destination Management and Community Participation in thetourism sector. The event shall involve speaker sessions by governmentofficials, tourism industry, private sector entrepreneurs, etc. showcasing bestpractices/case studies from various States < Union Territories in the relatedfield. The meeting shall aid in understanding the concepts < frameworks,approaches, challenges faced in implementation and impact generated bysuch initiatives on the society <the overall economy.

The event will highlight on benefits to local communities by way ofimparting skillsets necessary for prudent hospitality industry and cross-cultural learning exchanges to improve employability of the local people.Socio-economic benefits for the community could be enabled by makingthem lead the development initiatives.