Performance of Fisheries Sector


Realizing the immense scope for development of fisheries and aquaculture, the Government of India hasrestructured the Central Plan Schemes under an umbrella of Blue Revolution. The restructured CentrallySponsored Scheme (CSS) on Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and Management ofFisherieswasapproved in December, 2015 by the CCEA with a total central budgetary outlay of Rs.3000 crorefor five years (i.e. till end 2019-20).

The major components of the CSS on Blue Revolution scheme are as under:

i. Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture,

ii. Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post-harvest Operations,

iii. National Scheme for Welfare of Fishermen

iv. Monitoring, Control and Surveillance and other need-based Interventions (MCS),

v. Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Sector,

vi. Strengthening of Database