Drip Irrigation


Per Drop More Crop component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY-PDMC) is operational in the country from 2015-16. The PMKSY- PDMC focuses on enhancing water use efficiency at farm level through Micro Irrigation viz. Drip and Sprinkler irrigation.

         The Government provides financial assistance @ 55% for small and marginal farmers and @ 45% for other farmers for installation of Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation systems. In addition, some States provide additional incentives/top up subsidy for encouraging farmers to adopt Micro Irrigation.

         Wide publicity through press & print media, publication of leaflets/booklets, organization of workshops, exhibitions, farmer fairs, information on State/Government of India web portals etc. is being done.  Demonstrations have been setup  in 160 KrishiVigyanKendras (KVKs) for educating the farmers.

         42.15 lakh ha (Drip 22.81 lakh ha & Sprinkler 19.34 lakh ha) has been covered under PMKSY-PDMC since 2015-16 till date.