Best Web Hosts Review Announced 3 Important Web Hosting Criteria For 2020


Best Web Hosts (, a trusted hosting industry review website has announced 3 important criteria for 2020 that web hosting providers should meet to claim a high quality, professional service Shared Hosting service. Two of them are “Failover functionality” and “Managed Services”.

New York, NY, United states., February 05, 2020 — Best Web Hosts (, a trusted hosting industry review website has announced 3 important criteria for 2020 that web hosting providers should meet to claim a high quality, professional service Shared Hosting service. Best Web Hosts website has suggested that the Web hosting service of 2020 delivered in the Shared Hosting niche must be Cloud-based and must have 3 important features.

The web hosting of 2020 must have a Failover functionality, should allow website owners to use Managed Services on “pay-as-you-go” model, and has to offer Resource Scalability.

“Make sure that your web hosting provider has any High Availability or other failover service in place”, suggests and adds that in order to offer such functionality as a part of its Shared web hosting services, the web hosting companies must use a Cloud computing infrastructure.

When it comes to Managed Services, Best10WebHosts suggests that website Hosting has become a commodity service. “Any outstanding web hosting provider has to offer Managed services and other valued-added services, such as SEO, CMS and website code optimization services on “pay-as-you-go” basis, claim the web hosting experts. According to the hosting review website editors Managed Service has become a mainstream niche in IT Hosting service market.

The resource Scalability is the 2rd most important feature for the Shared Hosting services of 2020. The editors say that “Any quality web hosting provider of 2020 should offer resource scalability even with its Shared Hosting services. This correlates with the “Failover & Cloud-based” criterion, that requires the web hosts to use Cloud computing based infrastructures, in which the processing and storage operations are separated in different subsystems. has pointed the consumers’ attention to 3 companies list in section “Top 3 Web Hosts Of 2020”. Those are Liquid Web and TurnKey Internet, which the directory editors consider as an examples of provider of Failover Cloud- based Hosting, Managed Hosting and Scalable hosting services.

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