Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery and Artifacts in India


Quality Control Order for Mandatory Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery and Gold Artefacts Order, 2020 dated 15-1-2020 has been notified in the Gazette of India vide S.O. No. 205(E) dated 15-01-20 making hallmarking of Gold jewellery and artifacts mandatory in the country w.e.f. 15-1-2021 giving a year’s time for its implementation.

Only three grades namely 14,18 and 22 carats for gold jewellery and artefacts, as prescribed in Indian Standard IS: 1417: 2016 can be hallmarked. As on 25 Dec 2019, 892 Hallmarking and Assaying (A <H centres is less than 50 % and therefore, the average utilization of the capacity of the A<H centres is less than 50% and as on date there is no capacity constraint. Bureau of Indian Standards organizes regular Awareness Programmes through its various Regional Offices/Branch Offices. Many of these awareness programmes are conducted in association with Consumer Organizations. These programmes focus on enhancing quality consciousness of consumers by highlighting issues of Standardization, promotion of BIS Standard Mark, Hallmarking of Gold < Silver and educating them on the misuse of BIS Standard mark