Professional Arborist Services


Finding a quality arborist to manage trees and shrubs is a challenge for many people living in the Charlotte Area. Now, though, AAA Tree Experts has announced that it is offering local residents a professional service that they can trust.

AAA Tree Experts has been offering tree pruning, trimming, stump grinding, and landscaping services since 1996. The founder of the company, Wayne Neal, had more than 25 years of experience in the industry and was one of the most knowledgeable operators anywhere in the state, widely regarded for his extensive knowledge of arboriculture.

The company offers assistance to both private homeowners and commercial enterprises and specializes in providing a range of specialist services. The company, for instance, lets Charlotte residents get 24/7 emergency storm damage restoration, should a tree damage or threaten to damage property. AAA Tree Experts also carry out “tree risk assessments” – a tool their clients can use to determine whether a tree is likely to become a danger in the future.

Where possible, the firm attempts to preserve the life of the trees it encounters. The company states that it has “a strong and passionate affinity for trees” and respects them as an essential feature of the urban landscape. It will do what it can to modify the tree if there is an opportunity to save it but accepts that on some occasions, removal is the only option.

AAA Tree Experts’ new service offers residents of Charlotte a level of arboriculture support that many have not experienced before. The company’s tree removal service gives local residents and businesses the ability to safely eliminate problem trees from their properties for the first time, freeing up views and lowering risk to family members, customers, and employees. AAA Tree Experts only uses licensed and bonded professionals and follows all standards set by the International Society of Arboriculture. On top of that, the firm employs the latest techniques and equipment to make sure that it removes trees safely, protecting anyone in the vicinity from treefall.

It is not just tree removal, though, that AAA Tree Experts bring to Charlotte. They also offer tree pruning and trimming to residents and local companies too. As before, the AAA Tree Experts supplies trained professionals on-site who work under ANSI standards, but claims that these accreditations go well beyond matters of safety. Arborists who do not understand tree biology, the company states, risk causing unnecessary damage if they prune trees back too severely or at the wrong time of the year.

The majority of the company’s pruning and trimming services focus on the crown – the part of the tree that fans out from the trunk. Among the various options available to customers is crown cleaning, where seasoned arborists cut out all dead and dying branches, and crown thinning, where AAA Trees professionals remove certain parts of the tree to improve natural light and growth.

The company also says that it offers formative pruning for young and semi-mature trees. The purpose of this action is to improve the strength of fresh saplings, helping them grow taller and stronger the following season.

The people who stand to benefit from the new service are businesses and residents in the Charlotte area currently having to deal with overgrowth. The recent spate of hot wet summers across the state has encouraged trees to proliferate more than they would ordinarily. The high level of CO2 in the atmosphere is also taking effect. Greater energy availability and lower moisture loss from leaves mean that trees can grow faster and thicker on less sunlight.

For residents and businesses who take advantage of AAA Tree Expert’s new services, the benefits are considerable. Well-pruned trees, the company says, prevent more costly problems in the future.

The company also reminds its customers that winter is the ideal time to prune and manage their trees. Not only is it seasonally quiet for the industry as a whole, but when trees lose their leaves, arborists can better tell which branches to remove and which to keep. There’s also evidence that trees heal from pruning better in the winter. They have more energy to dedicate to repairing the damage because they’re not making leaves, making them stronger for the coming summer season.

Finally, AAA Tree Experts now offers a technique called trunk injection. The idea is to inject the tree with a specialized formula designed to improve tree health and prevent removal in years to come. Tree injection is ideal for trees with peeling bark, early leaf drop, and die-back.

All press inquiries can be directed to the company’s main office at (704) 366-1134-9535. Postal queries should be sent to 9535 Hebron Commerce Dr., Charlotte, NC 28273. For the website, go to