GDPR violation – Telecom provider facing severe penalty


Inadequate data protection measures can prove costly. Following a recent case involving a real estate business, a telecom provider is the latest business facing a heavy fine.

The GDPR came into force in May 2018. While fears of a wave of warning notices were never realized, the authorities are cracking down on violations of the GDPR. We at MTR Rechtsanwälte can report that fines running into millions of euros were recently imposed on two businesses for their lax handling of data protection.

This follows a fine of 14.5 million euros imposed at the end of October 2019 on a real estate business for violating the GDPR. The telecom provider is the latest business facing a fine, in this case of just under 10 million euros. Germany”s Federal Commissioner for Data Protection imposed the penalty due to the business”s failure to take adequate measures to protect data obtained in connection with telephone customer support. Despite noting that the business had made progress in relation to data protection, the federal commissioner deemed the fine necessary because of what it considered to be a threat to the entire customer base. The business has announced that it will contest the decision.

It is clear from both cases that violations of the GDPR will be met with severe penalties. Lawyers experienced in dealing with data protection issues can offer advice.