What Are The Basic Requirements For Being A Mystery Shopper?


In order to become a secret shopper (mystery shopper) it is very important to have some basic skills which will not only make the job easier for the mystery shopper, but also to give a more precise, and honest appraisal for the clients. Mystery Shopper are priceless to clients by providing valuable information  to make correct training and business decisions.

A Mystery Shopper must possess the following skills:

Good Observation

Mystery Shoppers must possess excellent observational ability to notice fine details which need to be recorded in your feedback. Did you spot if the dishes and dining place was clean? Were the price tags are clearly visible? Or is there any responsible person to attend your queries? All these little things would need to be observed, noticed, remembered and mentioned back.

Having a Good Memory

You will need to focus your memory on those specific criteria requested by the client. You will be made aware of what is required prior to the assignment. We will always try not to overload our Mystery Shoppers with too many details to be remembered.

Act Completely Natural

While visiting any shop or market place as a mystery shopper, you must take care that employees or any staff members must not be suspicious. If they get a hint about your job you will automatically get different treatment, sometimes better, and sometimes worse. Thus, acting normally is best option to do the whole exercise in the secret way to implement corrective changes.

Communication Skills

A mystery shopper must be ready to offer feedback per client’s report writing requirements which written text, a questionnaire format or taking photos. This means you must have high knowledge of English and general communication skills. High grammar skills are particularly valuable.

At Service Integrity Mystery Shopping, we depend on precise mystery shopper reports so we can help our clients/business owners improve their sales, compliance and service delivery.

Who Is Service Integrity Mystery Shopping?

Service Integrity is an Australian mystery shopping company was founded 15 years ago located at Wollongong, Australia. The company also operated throughout China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea. They have more than 50,000 registered shoppers.

Let your business grow with effective tips for being successful mystery shoppers, visit at https://www.serviceintegrity.com.au/become-a-mystery-shopper/.You can also get in touch with executives, call on AU: 1300 799 868/ NZ: 0800 507 558.

Address – PO Box 540 Figtree NSW 2525