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Christine Reidhead and Team Help Children in Mexico with Her Mexico Christmas Humanitarian Project

Christine Reidhead and her team launched a Mexico Christmas project. This humanitarian project helped the children in Desemboque and Ures, Mexico.

Christine Reidhead launched her humanitarian project last Christmas. This project in Mexico targeted the children and putting smiles on their faces during the Christmas season.

Christine and her family traveled to Desemboque and Ures, which are two towns in Mexico. They met with families in these two towns where there are mostly fishermen and farmers. Even though these are the towns peoples’ professions, their lives can’t be too far from challenges, especially from a financial perspective. The majority of the families are out of work during Christmas time, therefore, celebrating Christmas with the children. This project had the purpose to deliver the true happiness of Christmas to the children in these small towns.

This project was carried out by giving 400 gifts and 200 stockings to these little ones. The children in both cities seem very happy and grateful for these gifts, which is indeed the main mission of this project. This is a project that brings a smile to children in Mexico.

The project would not have been possible without the amazing volunteers who donated stockings, candy, gifts, stuffed animals, etc! Mike and Joy McMillan, and DJ James of Crownpoint, NM, organized a Toys for Tots Basketball Tournament which asked for toy donations as their entry fee. Joseph and Sonya Garcia from Morenci, Arizona, and their children donated 200 stuffed animals along with leading a donation project with their youth church group. Sherra Dunsmore and her elementary class in Holbrook, Arizona, gathered stuffed animals and toys for the children. The Chatwin family from Winslow, Arizona, donated candy and candy canes for all of the children. An anonymous donor donated 200 stockings. Holly Chatwin from Thatcher, Arizona, set up a donation bin at Eastern Arizona College and collected toys and gifts from college students. Lason and Joleen Barney of Carlsbad, New Mexico, made sure each child received a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Corri Havlicek of Winslow, Arizona, made beautiful candy treats to include in the stockings. The Edingtons of Benson, Arizona, donated Mt. Dew for the children. This project would not have been possible without the generosity of all these individuals!

The smiles on the children’s faces were worth all the work and sacrifice these volunteers gave from the kindness of their hearts.

Christine is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization called, AfrikRising. This organization has been doing humanitarian projects throughout Ghana and Nigeria since its inception.

For more information about the Humanitarian Projects by Christine Reidhead, one can visit her official website at It provides a detailed explanation about each project as well as other programs that Christine creates for helping society.

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