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10 Reasons Why Outsourcing Your Amazon Vendor Support Services Is An Excellent Idea For 2020

Without doubt, Amazon is the World’s largest online mall. Starting out as a single online retail giant via their website and operating out of USA, today, Amazon is using country based TLDs to create dozens of branches spread out in different locations of the globe.

We call it an online Mall because each of Amazon’s websites is made up of hundreds of local retailers. Each retailer individually buys products and sells them on the Amazon website. Being famous, Amazon is perhaps the best location to sell your goods.

There are hundreds of rags to riches stories of how people who started by borrowing a few hundred dollars are today making hundreds of thousands a year in profits selling goods on Amazon.

As business grows, it becomes impossible to keep track of everything that is happening. Here then are the top 10 reasons to outsource your Amazon Vendor Support Customer Service in 2020:

1. Thousands of dollars in sales every hour requiring thousands of goods to be couriered.
2. Hundreds of goods eligible for Amazon Prime delivery and requiring preferential handling.
3. Thousands of questions posed by prospective customers.
4. Thousands of good returned or partially returned requiring appropriate refunds.
5. Hundreds of complaints of goods lost or damaged in transit.
6. Hundreds of complaints of wrong or defective products received by customers.
7. Hundreds of issues to be followed up and awaiting resolution with Amazon Vendor Support.
8. Technical problems with listing of hundreds of items.
9. Attention required because some listings do not comply with Amazon terms.
10. Keeping track of changing terms, and local taxation policies.

So, while on the one hand selling on Amazon is hugely profitable, once your business grows beyond tens of thousands of dollars a year, you will need support of a dedicated team to track each of the above situations. It is estimated that for every hundred thousand dollars in sales on Amazon, you require a 10-member dedicated team to keep track of everything and ensure your Lead Generation Services runs on greased rails.

A 10-member team in any developed country would dig deep into your profitability. The ideal scenario, is for you to hire a 10-member virtual team i.e. a team that is typically based in a developing country (e.g. India), a team that will cost you 70% LESS than if you had to hire the same team from your own country.

With a virtual team in place, all you will have to do, is to keep an eye on the overall performance. And we dare say, that even for that you might need help – because your online business with Amazon, will just keep growing and growing.

To outsource your Amazon Vendor Support Service in 2020 visit or call them on +91-9326311511 Do it today and ring in the profits.

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