SoftInWay Wins USAF Contract to Develop Multi-Use Hypersonic Engine


Burlington, MA, January 22, 2020 – It was announced today that SoftInWay, Inc. is kicking off a new project to develop a multi-use hypersonic engine. SoftInWay was awarded a Phase 1 SBIR contract through the AFWERX program to use its internally developed AxSTREAM® platform to explore the different potential applications of a hypersonic engine for both military use and commercial aviation. Development of such an engine has the potential to create a revolutionary form of flight, as it would propel aircraft up to 6 times the speed of sound.
SoftInWay’s engineers will put their extensive knowledge of turbomachinery to use by designing an engine that can be a propulsion system for different kinds of aircraft and applications. Potential uses for the engine include use on fighter-bombers, business jets, and space exploration craft. Having such a modular and adaptable engine design would make spare parts more common as well as reduce redesign and development manufacturing costs. Additionally, it would ensure standardization of equipment in aircraft fleets and scalability.
When asked about the project, Valentine Moroz, COO of SoftInWay, Inc. said, “This project marks a milestone for both military and commercial R&D. Once more SoftInWay’s engineers will lead the charge in the next evolution for air and space travel. In power generation and clean energy, we were early adopters for sCO² as a cleaner, more efficient working fluid. Now we’ll take that same commitment and drive to advance science into the stratosphere. I should add, however, the sky is not the limit with this technology. We’re excited to explore just how feasible this technology is for everything from enabling the ‘transcontinental commute’ to improving response times for military aircraft deployment, to creating a new generation of rapid-response countermeasures. The Concorde will probably never make a return, but that drive and desire for high-speed travel will live on thanks to hypersonic technology, and projects like this.”
SoftInWay is embodying the spirit of innovation as it has for more than 20 years; its engineers will strive to make hypersonic engines a regular technology in everything from travel to defense. Moroz and the SoftInWay team hope that Mach 6 travel will become an everyday occurrence, and not just the stuff of tech thrillers and science fiction novels.