Fourth Armed Forces Veterans Day


Since 2017, Armed Forces Veterans Day is observed each year on 14th January as a mark of respect and recognition of the services rendered by Filed Marshal KM Cariappa OBE – the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces who retired on 14 Jan 53. Commemoration of Armed Forces Veterans Day acknowledges and honours the selfless devotion and sacrifice of our veterans in the service of the nation.

            This year, the 4th  Armed Forces Veterans Day at Delhi will commence with a homage ceremony at the National War Memorial, where wreaths will be laid by CISC, serving three star officers as well as veteran officers and JCOs from all three services.

            Admiral Karambir Singh, Chief of the Naval Staff will be the Chief Guest at the Veterans Day function which will be held at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt later in the forenoon. The Chiefs of Army and Air Force will be present. Approximately 2000 veterans are expected to attend.