Hot Tub Filter from EGO³


Hot tub filters from EGO³ filter finer, longer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly than standard filter cartridges!

Ego³ hot tub filters replace your existing fleece or paper hot-tub-filter. This 30 year old technology with a simple filter fleece is now finally replaced by a new technology, which offers you more comfort and pleasure with your hot tub. We all know all the problems that conventional hot-tub-filters cause us. They are constantly clogged, go very difficult to clean, an exchange of the hot tub filter costs relatively is a lot and frequently necessary, in winter the replacement of the filters is particularly unpleasant, much of the dirt goes down when the hot tub filters are turned out and remains in the Water and the filters are also extremely unwieldy. That has already disturbed us imer everything and 4 years ago we had then the igniting idea for a new hot tub filter.

He shouldn’t have all these mistakes anymore and now we are happy and very successful with the new EGO3 hot-tub-filters due to its many advantages. One hot tub filter as it should be!

The only hot tub filter with 4 months MONEY BACK WARRANTY if you are not satisfied.
1. filter cheaper – YES, washable, reusable and it only needs to replace the filter material by simply replacing the filter balls and not the whole hot tub filter every time. can be exchanged. SAVE MONEY and relax! And if you throw away the filter material each time and replace the dirty balls with new ones, it is still cheaper and you save time. SAVE TIME and relax!
2. filter more reliably – YES, since EGO³ hot tub filters can hardly clog up, due to the unique Twirling Technology and therefore always filters with an enormously large 3-dimensional filter volume. NO STOP – 3D FILTERVOLUMES, only whirlpool filters from EG SpaSolutions GmbH offer this.
3. easier to clean – YES, the cleaning is extremely easy like with a sponge. How the EASY SQUEEZE TECHNOLOGY works can be seen on the subpage “Cleaning the hot tub filter”. EGO³ hot tub filters are the easiest to clean hot-tub-filters on the market.
4. fine filtering – YES, because EGO³ hot tub filters filter even the smallest particles after only a few days due to the adhesive technology. We’re talking about the ZERO DIRT TECHNOLOGY. That means there’s 0 dirt in the hot tub. Your hot tub filter from EGO3 filters 100% of the particles! This is absolutely unique!
5. filter longer – YES, due to the huge cylindrical 3D hot tub filter area, EGO³ hot tub filters can absorb much more dirt. We call that the 3D-HIGH VOLUME FILTER TECHNOLOGY!
6. keep the dirt in the filter – YES, as the particles are sucked into the filter interior, they remain in the filter even when turned out. And according to a popular saying in Las Vegas. only hot tub filter manufacturer say: What happens in an EGO3 filter stays in an EGO3 filter! All dirt remains in the EGO³ hot tub Filter!
7. filter more environmentally friendly – YES, by PET RECYCLING FILTERMATERIAL (Made in Germany) and reusable filter cartridges. We protect the environment!
Trust your EGO3 hot tub filters!

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