Bye Election to the Maharashtra Legislative Council by the members of respective Legislative Assembly (MLAs)


There is one casual vacancy in the Maharashtra Legislative Council by the members of respective Legislative Assembly. The details of the vacancy are as follow:



Name of Member

Type of Elections

Cause of vacancy

Term up to


Shri Munde, Dhananjay Panditrao           


Elected in Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on 24.10.2019 (Afternoon)



2.               The Commission has decided to hold bye-election to the Maharashtra Legislative Council by the Member of the respective Legislative Assembly to fill the above mentioned vacancy as per the following schedule: –



Subject of Programme

Dates and Days


Issue of Notifications

07th January, 2020  (Tuesday)


Last Date of making nominations

14th January, 2020 (Tuesday)


Scrutiny of nominations

15th January, 2020 (Wednesday)


Last date for withdrawal of candidatures

17th  January, 2020 (Friday)


Date of Poll

24th January, 2020 (Friday)


Hours of Poll

9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.


Counting of Votes

24th January, 2020 (Friday) at 5.00 p.m.


Date before which election shall be completed

28th January 2020 (Tuesday)