National Testing Agency declares UGC-NET December 2019 Results


The UGC-NET December 2019 Examination was conducted by NTA between 02nd and 06th December 2019 in two shifts per day in700 centres across 219 cities in the country. The examination was conducted in 81 subjects.


Number of candidates registered


Number of candidates appeared


Number of candidates qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor only


Candidates qualified for JRF & eligible for Assistant Professor



This time also, the Examination was conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only to reduce the burden of examinees.
The exam was conducted between 02nd and 06th December 2019 for five days in 10 shifts and result has been declared on 31st December 2019.
In order to make the examination system transparent, the Question Paper and recorded responses were displayed for the verification by examinees,
To ensure accuracy of result, the keys of question papers were displayed in advance to invite challenges if any. The Answer Keys dated31.12.2019on which the result is compiled has been uploaded on NTA NET website:
For this nationwide professional examination also, live CCTV Surveillance through more than 1450 CCTVs was carried out.
Cheating using mobile network and other electronic devices was prevented using Jammers at all centres.A total of more than 3100 jammers in each shift have been installed.
19 Regional Coordinators, 200 City Coordinators and 600 Observers were positioned for UGC-NET December 2019.

As per the UGC policy, 6% of those candidates who appear in both the papers and obtain minimum qualifying marks in aggregate of both the papers are declared NET qualified.

The certificates to the qualified candidates will be issued by NTA shortly.