Cabinet approves funds to the tune of Rs. 627.40 crore for 10 projects sanctioned during 2018-19 in Swadesh Darshan Scheme


The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval to release funds to the tune of Rs. 627.40 crore for the 10 projects sanctioned during 2018-19 and additional Rs. 1854.67 crore for sanctioning of new projects during 2019-20 in Swadesh Darshan Scheme.

Under Swadesh Darshan Scheme, Ministry of Tourism is developing critical tourism infrastructure in the country in a sustainable and inclusive manner to make India, a world class tourist destination.

The provision of this critical infrastructure will catalyse the private sector investment in revenue generating projects which in turn would lead to positive enhancement of overall experience to the tourist resulting into increased footfalls in the areas, growth of revenue and employment.
