nanoCAD Plus 11: New CAD for Demanding Design Professionals


12 September, 2019 — Nanosoft is proud to announce the release of nanoCAD Plus 11 – the newest version of our DWG-compatible CAD software that provides users with new possibilities for designing in the modern era.

nanoCAD Plus 11 ( ) is optimized for production design and drafting, and the development of high-performance CAD applications. It uses industry-standard technology for reading and writing DWG drawing files, used also by most of the world’s top CAD developers; it is compatible with DWG files created as far back as in 1990. nanoCAD Plus provides a smooth migration path for existing AutoCAD users.

Inexpensive but powerful, nanoCAD includes features unique to this level of CAD software, such as handling underlays of many file types, importing BIM IFC format files, displaying point clouds, outputting to PDF – just to mention a few.

What’s Changed in nanoCAD Plus 11

The release of the nanoCAD Plus 11 is the fulfilment of our latest development cycle conducted during 2018-2019 in next key areas of development:

– Improved the usability and productivity of the nanoCAD environment
– Developed and optimized numerous CAD functions (working with OLE objects, Implemented the Digital Signatures feature, Changing Spaces and much more)
– Added new ways of producing output from drawings (Internal Raster Plotter, Internal DWF and DWFx Plotters)
– Implemented ability to check that drawings match pre-set standards
– Improved nanoCAD API and add-on development tools

A full list is in the What’s New section:

Pricing and Availability

As a full-featured professional-grade CAD program, nanoCAD Plus is perhaps the only CAD software actually designed to solve business problems within a sensible CAD budget. And so to reflect budget realities, nanoCAD Plus 11 is priced at only $180/year per seat, including priority support and updates. A network license is $220/year.

You can purchase nanoCAD Plus 11 or download its 30-day trial version from our Web site, .

About Nanosoft

Nanosoft is a community of CAD professionals who have been working in the CAD software industry since the 1980s. We are focused on creating high-quality, cost-effective software solutions for the CAD industry. One of our most important goals is to provide our customers the ideal vehicle for upgrading from unlicensed (pirated) CAD software to legitimate software. That’s why one of our key strategies is the development of low-cost and free software products. To accomplish this, we do our best to minimize the side effects in transferring data by our customers.

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