How Businesses Create Value with Data Sharing


Switzerland, November 2019 – Data sovereignty should be the central design principle of the data economy; an economy in which everyone – organisations and consumers alike – will enjoy control over their data and thrive from all the benefits that sharing data entails. This is a challenge which policy-makers and organisations must address now.

Using data sovereignty to create new value is the key theme of the Data Sharing Days, taking place in The Hague on January 27 and 28, 2020.

Among the growing list of keynote speakers is professor of semantic web technology, Ruben Verborgh, from the Ghent University, Belgium. He works on Solid; a new ecosystem started by the World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, and will speak about “reshaping the web with linked data apps”. Additionally, Susan Morrow, a prominent member of the “Women in Identity” community, will elaborate on what needs to happen in the digital identity landscape in order to achieve data sovereignty. And Paul Ham, General Manager Business Development at Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam will present a new data service that allows better planning in the logistical chain.

More information on agenda and speakers: