biolitec® Medica 2019: New ELLA® laser therapy for endometriosis – Precise laser treatment of bladder tumors with TULA®


Vienna, 13th November 2019 – biolitec®, the worldwide active developer and manufacturer of medical laser systems for minimally invasive treatment, is going to present new treatment methods for gynecology, urology and proctology with the modern LEONARDO® diode laser system at this year’s medical technology trade fair Medica.

With the new laser therapy ELLA® (Endometriosis Laparoscopic Laser Applications) it is now possible to treat endometriosis. In the minimally invasive laser procedure of biolitec®, the endometriosis lesions as well as ovarian cysts and adhesions are removed with minimal side effects. What is special about ELLA® is that the laser energy is very gentle on the tissue and thus helps to protect the ovarian reserve, which is of great importance especially for women who wish to have children. The particularly good hemostasis of LEONARDO® lasers results in smooth resection surfaces and thus prevents scarring. This is also a significant factor in myoma treatment with the biolitec® method HOLA® (Hysteroscopic Outpatient Laser Applications), which offers the chance to preserve the uterus.

In addition to LIFE for BPH with TULA® (trans-urethral laser ablation) and FLA (Focal Laser Ablation), two minimally invasive therapy methods for bladder tumors and prostate tumors are available for modern urology.
With recurring bladder tumors, TULA® offers the possibility of simultaneous vaporization and coagulation. A simple and safe method with minimal blood loss. The laser procedure, which is performed using flexible cystoscopy, can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or even without anesthesia. By not needing general anesthesia, laser therapy is also suitable for high-risk patients.

Recently, prostate tumors have also been treated minimally invasively and robot-assisted using interventional radiology and the new biolitec® Litt fiber. This means that patients with locally limited prostate tumors with low and intermediate severity can now be treated safely and very precisely without damaging sensitive tissue structures.

For many years, this has been one of the most important advantages of the proven BPH therapy LIFE of biolitec®. The possibility of working in contact mode allows high ablation rates to be achieved with high performance and accuracy in the shortest possible time without blood loss. Laser surgery for BPH also significantly reduces the risk of retrograde ejaculation.

In proctology, biolitec®’s tissue-sparing laser methods are characterized by the fact that fistulas and hemorrhoids can be irradiated from the inside and open cuts and large wounds can be avoided. The preservation of the sphincter muscle as well as a significantly shorter recovery time compared to conventional methods are essential reasons for many physicians to work with the biolitec® laser system.

Recently, in the treatment of Acne inversa, biolitec®’s FiLaC® fiber has succeeded for the first time. The FiLaC® (Fistula-tract Laser Closure) procedure of biolitec® has been a preferred method for the treatment of anal fistulas and pilonidal cysts for years. In addition, it is more and more used successfully as a therapy for increasingly complex proctological diseases. In addition to anal fistulas, anal fissures and pilonidal cysts, complex situated fistulas such as urethroperineal and transsphincterical fistulas and recently also Acne inversa can be treated with the minimally invasive, tissue-sparing laser method. With these diseases, complete healing can be achieved.

With the first radial fiber ELVeS® Radial®, which biolitec® launched more than 10 years ago, the company marked a new era in endovenous laser therapy for varicose veins. Due to the 360 degree irradiation of the inner vein walls and an optimal ablation rate, which is achieved with the LEONARDO® laser devices of biolitec® by combining the wavelengths 980 nm and 1470 nm, the surrounding tissue remains undamaged. With the ELVeS® Radial® 2ring laser fibers, available in two different fiber diameters, trunk veins, perforating veins and as well smaller side branches can be treated.

The biolitec® team would be pleased to welcome you at booth H46 in hall 10 and would like to inform you about the biolitec® laser methods in the further therapy areas thoracic surgery and pneumology, orthopedics, ENT, ophthalmology as well as esthetic surgery.