tcworld conference 2019 – Plunet showcases the key factors for the success of its software


Plunet GmbH will join other leading representatives of the translation industry with a booth at the annual conference, which is organized by the German Association for Technical Communication (tekom). The technology provider will present its business and translation management software Plunet BusinessManager in a range of formats. Alongside introductory tool demos of Plunet’s management software, presentations with technology partners will illustrate the deep integrations with the CAT tools memoQ, Memsource and SDL Trados Studio & GroupShare. These integrations enable highly efficient management of all business and translation processes for language service providers. One of the highlights of the program will be the presentation of a customer success story: The Deutsche Bahn has been organizing their translation management processes with Plunet for two years. In an industry best practice presentation, they will explain what is important when choosing a suitable translation management system and what advantages can be gained from using Plunet.

With 140 exhibitors from Germany and abroad, the tcworld conference is currently the largest international event for technical communication