Visualised virtually: Free online access visualises tML cabling systems


Dortmund, August 29th, 2019. tde and AixpertSoft continue to expand their cooperation: the network expert and its technology partner now offer free online access to the extensive AixBOMS test environment with integrated tde solutions. The Advanced Configuration Management Database (CMDB) shows a virtual image of the planned data centre cabinet design and enables customers to familiarise themselves with the tde tML system platforms, individual tde components and the AixBOMS data centre management and IT documentation solution before installation. This provides existing and future tde customers with a high degree of planning security when setting up a fail-safe and highly available network infrastructure. The AixBOMS test environment is exclusively available to tde customers and interested parties.

What will the planned cabinet design look like? Which modules can be fitted to the tML module support and what options does the tde system platform offer? tde customers and interested parties can now obtain answers to these questions with an exclusive, comprehensive and individual test access to AixBOMS: thanks to the Advanced CMDB, they can obtain an overview of the planned cabinet design and view the assembly of the modules. The graphical AixBOM Rack View Editor provides a photorealistic representation of the tML components with the front and rear views of the distribution cabinets. For this purpose, AixpertSoft has combined the powerful infrastructure with the modern possibilities of IT documentation and makes these available to tde customers as free online access to the test: “Customers need planning security when setting up a fail-safe and highly available cabling infrastructure,” says Andre Engel, Managing Director of tde – trans data elektronik GmbH, and continues: “The integration of our tML solutions into the AixBOM software gives our customers virtual insights into their planned cabinet design. Thanks to the 3D view, users can see at a glance how for example the tML modules are equipped”.

Partner of the tde Roadshow

This year, AixpertSoft is again technology partner of the (r)evolution of the network roadshow: the experts for the administration of IT infrastructures, data centres and services will talk about the “development of IT infrastructure management somewhere between Excel and artificial intelligence”. The event under the motto “Fail-safe and highly available in the future” will take place on September 12th, 2019, in the BVB Arena. The registration form and the agenda for the free roadshow are available at

The tML – tde Modular Link-System

tML is a patented, modular cabling system consisting of the three key components module, trunk cable and rack mount enclosure. The system components are 100 percent manufactured, pre-assembled and tested in Germany. They enable plug-and-play installation on site – especially in data centres, but also in industrial environments – within the shortest possible time. Heart of the system are the rear MPO/MTP and Telco connectors, which can be used to connect at least six or twelve ports at a time. The fibre optic and TP modules can be used together in a Rack Mount Enclosure with a very high port density. The tde offers its tML cabling system as a proven tML standard system and in the highly innovative variants tML Xtended, tML-24 and now tML-32 for extreme scalability and very easy migration to higher transmission rates such as 40G, 100G, 200G and 400G.