Lemoncube Digital Agency


lemoncube, a startup endeavour founded by Ralf Schreiber with offices in Germany and Spain, has expanded to include an Asian chapter in Taiwan and Singapore. Coming onboard as managing partner is Claudia Wild, bringing with her fluency in English, German and Mandarin and intercultural competencies gleaned from vast, diverse professional experience in East Asia. Claudia”s vision aligns with Lemoncube”s goals to support companies on the road to digital transformation and work towards creating effective digital and social strategies on a global scale.

Asian markets continue to grow rapidly, and with this growth comes the need for many companies to create and increase their digital presence in the East. Foreign companies that plan on expanding to Asia and Asian companies intent on extending their reach to other parts of the world, are faced with the challenge of critically analyzing their (digital) marketing strategies when planning market entry.

It is as crucial to be interculturally prepared to navigate the Asian business environment as it is to tailor the digital strategies of a business to this new landscape.

Lemoncube digital marketing agency and online learning hub specializes in the areas of digital transformation, professional development and now offers Asian market entry consulting. Clients can expect a balanced blend of different online marketing strategy and consulting, professional development e-learning opportunities, as well as specialized solutions for navigating the Asian business world.

Lemoncube”s newly revamped website will be rolled out later this month. In the meantime, Claudia and Ralf can be contacted for Asia market as well as general Lemoncube enquiries. Follow Lemoncube on social media to find out more about new projects and developments. LinkedIn /// Twitter /// Facebook /// Instagram


Lemoncube Europa // Ralf Schreiber // T +49 9746 / 523 9901 E just@lemoncube.de

Lemoncube Asia // Claudia Wild // T +49 9746 / 92190 11 E asia@lemoncube.de

Postanschrift:Lemoncube Europec/o CAYA by AMN Data Solutions GmbH Glogauerstr. 5, 10999 Berlin, Germany