Low-void soldering by vacuum


The demand for high-performance electronics is growing worldwide, driven by higher demand from for example the electro-mobility and LED global lighting industries. These different electronic applications require solder joints with as few voids as possible in both their structure and connection. To produce solder joints with very few voids consistently, soldering systems with vacuum chambers are essential for removing the gases from the molten solder joint once the solder paste has been remelted. With the VisionXP+ Vac convection soldering system, Rehm Thermal Systems offers an energy-efficient solution with a flexible vacuum option.

The VisionXP+ convection soldering system with vacuum option removes voids while the solder is still in its optimal molten state. With a vacuum under 100 mbar, void areas of less than 2 percent can be achieved. Soldering with vacuum is particularly suitable for dissipating heat in demanding assemblies or for assemblies for power electronics. The number of voids are minimised by the vacuum, so achieving a better electrical and thermal connection. Integrated pyrolysis and separate filtration of the extracted atmosphere in the vacuum chamber are further advantages for maintaining and cleaning the system.

The use of vacuum in soldering electronic assemblies is deeply rooted in the history of Rehm Thermal Systems. The first vacuum soldering system was launched in the late 1990s, and vapour phase soldering technology was combined with suitable vacuum technology in a soldering system soon afterwards. The demands of the market and the needs of customers for higher throughputs and better line integration called for new technological solutions: By combining a reflow convection soldering system and a vacuum chamber, the existing know-how for each of the technologies successfully came together to form a new option for this type of plant – and so the VisionXP+ Vac was born.