Northern Virginia Immigration Attorney Lists K3 Visa Interview Questions


Vienna, Virginia (webnewswire) July 30, 2019 – A Northern Virginia immigration attorney at Johnson & Masumi just released a blog listing the top K3 visa interview questions. Understanding the importance of these questions can help you better prepare for the interview.

A K3 visa is a temporary visa that allows immigrant spouses already married to a U.S. citizen to remain in the U.S. while their immigrant visa petitions are pending. To obtain this visa, the foreign-born spouse must complete a visa interview. This establishes that the relationship is real and that the spouse is not seeking simply to immigrate to the U.S. Failing to properly prepare for this interview could lead to your visa being denied, so it is important to understand the questions that may be asked and be prepared to answer them. An attorney can assist you in preparing for the interview and address any concerns you may have about your answers.

One question you will likely be asked is when, where, and how you and your spouse first met. This can help the interviewer better understand the basis of your relationship and confirm that it is an authentic one. You will also be asked whether you have met your spouse’s children, if they have any. If you have not, it may seem concerning to the interviewer, and you will need to provide a reason for this situation. Finally, your interviewer may ask about your spouse’s work and their job title. Not only does this further confirm that you know enough about your spouse to make the relationship true, it can also help confirm that your spouse has the financial resources necessary to support you according to the terms of the visa until you secure a job of your own. Answering these questions truthfully and accurately will improve your application and help you secure your visa.

Speak to the immigration attorneys at Johnson & Masumi for more information about the K3 visa interview process. The firm’s experienced team can assist you in filing applications for various types of immigration visas, including visas for fiances, spouses, related-children, employees, and visitors. Contact Johnson & Masumi online at or by phone at 703-688-8279. The firm is located at 8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 225, Vienna, VA 22182.
