New Book Shows How to Build Winning Teams through the Power of Togetherness


Book Publisher Bennion Kearny is delighted to announce the publication of “Togetherness: How to Build a Winning Team” – a new book on effective team building from leading authority Dr. Matt Slater.

Togetherness is a powerful state of connection between individuals. In sport, it is inescapable that teams full of superstars rarely achieve their potential unless the whole team gels successfully. In turn, teams might win matches, but teams with togetherness win championships and make history.

“Togetherness: How to Build a Winning Team” is the new book from Dr. Matt Slater – a world authority on togetherness and effective team building – that shows how sporting leaders and coaches can create environments and relationships that bring team members together for outstanding accomplishments.

Through concise and evidence-based practical tips and activities – based on the 3R model (Reflect, Represent, Realise) – Dr. Slater provides a clear and effective roadmap for harmonious team building. Sections include content on shared behaviors, collective language, collective visions, trademark strengths, and much more.

Utilizing memorable stories from the world of high-performance sport, this book is relevantto sports coaches,as well as leaders in other fields,including business and the voluntary sectors.

Book details: Publication date31st May 2019 | ISBN-13: 978-1-911121-50-3 | Available in Paperback and eBook formats.

More book details can be found at:
Bennion Kearny is a UK-based international publishing house developing a wide range of non-fiction titles across multiple genres including self-help, history, music, sport, coaching, business and academia.

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