Görs Communications Business consulting, PR and marketing consulting (Germany, Hamburg, Lübeck, Baltic Sea)


No question: Consulting is booming; as well as pr marketing consulting in Germany (https://www.goers-communications.de). Business consultants / business consultants and marketing consultants / marketing consultants frolic in this lucrative and growing market. But: access and the market itself are not regulated; anyone can call themselves a business consultant or a marketing consultant.

The consulting sector is correspondingly diffuse, and its growth is also due to the lack of binding qualifications and orientations. Those in need of consultancy and / or PR / marketing consulting (and this is probably true for almost every organization and almost every company), are initially confronted with the consulting jungle. How do you find good business consultants, PR and marketing consultants and work successfully with them? Searching for “marketing consulting,” “PR consulting,” and / or “business consulting” / “consulting” at Google kills a sheer flood of consulting firms, consultants, websites, and offerings.

Often the consequence is that companies with consulting needs then turn to “the big” corporate and marketing consultancies in order to (allegedly) minimize their (decision-making) risk. An often expensive mistake. Because at large management consultancies, PR and marketing consultancies and advertising agencies, while the fees and hourly rates (much) higher, but often the performance and successes are less than with smaller consultants. Painful and costly experiences, which many companies – especially from SMEs – had to do already. As a result, business consultancy, PR and marketing consulting (https://www.goers-communications.de/pr-werbung-beratung/marketing-und-innovationsberatung/) is often omitted because the experience with the PR / advertising agency / marketing and management consultancy was negative.

At the same time, advice in business today is indispensable. Consultants bring expertise and experience to the business and are an independent body that can (or can) offset operational blindness and management weaknesses. Business consultants reduce complexity and increase efficiency. Complex problem connections such as digitization, content marketing and content promotion, online marketing and social media, for example, require specialist knowledge and many years of experience from numerous successful projects. In addition, the consultant should have knowledge of relationships and interactions in business, management and communication.

Clear analyzes, implementable concepts and optimizations instead of “bullshit bingo”

Good, concise and traceable analysis and dialogue based on partnership are important for success. The endless, often hundreds of pages of comprehensive “analysis” or “reports” of the major management consultancies and the “flowery” “endless concepts” and presentations of major marketing consultancies, PR and advertising agencies often end up in the drawer and are never implemented. With good advisers, however, there are conclusive analyzes, concrete recommendations for action – and also the IMPLEMENTATION of the measures! Good PR, marketing and business consulting is in many cases also a help for self-help. The consultant shows and explains to the consulting client how he – after a certain period of coaching – can design and improve individual aspects of PR, marketing and management SELF.

Görs Communications as an experienced marketing and management consultancy, ensures more customers, a better image, awareness and sales growth

“As a management consultancy, as an agency and as a coach for public relations (PR), marketing and digitization, we help our customers to achieve much more with optimized communication: More sales, more customers, more awareness, more attention, a clear positioning, efficient marketing “Professional PR”, explains Daniel Görs, owner of marketing and consulting firm Görs Communications ( https://www.goers-communications.de ). “We take over the analysis, conception, implementation and ongoing optimization of all marketing, PR and digital measures, depending on needs and budgets. We do more than traditional management consulting and advertising agencies, because we are on request also problem solvers, sparring partners at eye level with the management and coach. And we also implement the analyzed and conceived measures in a powerful way. From the classic advertising agencies, the holistic view distinguishes us from the positioning, the image and the communication – and thinking beyond clumsy advertising measures. Thus, we provide suitable, also cross-thought-out solutions, out of the box ‘, which are far superior to the usual 08/15 measures of the large management consultancies and advertising agencies “, emphasizes the graduate social economist.

Görs Communications is not a “full-service agency”, because the marketing and management consultancy (Lübeck / Hamburg / Baltic Sea) does not promise the blue of the pink sky and pretends that all aspects of management, marketing and PR are covered , “We focus on what we do best: communications, consulting, content and coaching,” says Daniel Görs. “For everything else, we fall back on demand and on customer request on our over decades grown, experienced and resilient network of experts. Whether programming, mobile marketing, cloud, big data, design, innovation consulting, explanatory films or video marketing: we know which specialist is actually the best for which project – and where the best cost-performance ratio is, “says PR Marketing consultant Daniel Görs (https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Goers). who has more than 20 years experience in digital, pr, marketing, management and consulting.

Görs Communications loves and lives Hanseatic values. Also as a conscious counterpart to the beautiful illusory world of advertising with its flowery promises and colorful endless glossy presentations. “We are and remain in the background, we think transversally and uncomfortably and we advise our clients against unsuitable, costly actions and measures. Sustainability and efficiency are and remain our maxims. That is why our customers have valued us for many years as a consultant, coach and sparring partner, “explains Marketing and Business Expert Daniel Görs (https://www.linkedin.com/in/goers).

Content, communication, reputation and digitization are central elements of the consulting, analysis and conception of Görs Communications. This is where Görs Communications knows its way around and offers decades of experience and (specialist) know-how that otherwise does not exist on the market in this form. Especially in the areas of internet, digitization and media, finance and real estate, industry / B2B and automotive industry.

Görs Communications is as flexible as the customer wishes: Whether temporary as a project customer “on demand” or as a contract customer on a continuous Retainerbasis – the marketing and management consultancy with Hanseatic / North German roots makes his clients life easier and stands in any case always with words and deeds aside.

The consultancy and advice from Görs Communications includes, for example:

– Analysis of the current situation and problems, communication and content scan, website, reputation and SEO check.
– Optimization and action proposals.
– Workshop to discuss, clarify and decide on actions.
– Conception and concrete action planning.
– Implementation and ongoing optimization (on request).
– media planning, media consulting, negotiation and handling of advertising circuits; online, classic media, social media, cross-media.

An initial consultation is worthwhile for you especially if you

– Optimize or redesign your digital positioning and website.
– You want to achieve more awareness, a “media base noise” and publications through continuous public relations.
– Critically review your advertising and media spendings and develop an optimal marketing mix.
– You want to find out more about the optimal use of digital communication such as online marketing, social media, mobile marketing, search engine marketing and search engine optimization, online PR, e-mail, etc.
– You want an overview of the “digital jungle” and need a reliable compass.
– As a start-up or mid-sized company, you want to build, optimize or outsource your communications department and processes.
– You want to know what the digital transformation and the opportunities of digital market development mean for you.
– You want to start and optimize your business in Germany.

In short, if you do not want to burn more (or more) money for ineffective and expensive advertising, and instead want to break new ground with your matching digital, communication and marketing strategy, then contact us and try us out.

Görs Communications is here for you – especially in stormy times!