Why should people hire private detective



Why people need private investigator now a days. The help of detectives is taking many years. Private detective demand increasing day by day because of the crime rate has been increased. Surveillance is more demanded in this field because of the partners want to know the activity of his/her partner they want to know where he/she go because now a days trust is main factor of the relationship because of the deceive so they hire private detective for the know all the activity.

Theft and Burglaries

Theft and burglaries can happen anywhere. It is more frequent in MNC’s and posh areas. Theft can in cash or kind and sometimes important official papers and confidential information is stolen as well. Whatever is the kind; Private detective agency helps you in finding out the burglar and keeps you from incurring the losses. We offer a wide range of investigation services that include domestic theft and burglaries cases.

Background Investigation

A large number of immigrant servants, floating labourers, chowkidars, plumbers, electricians and other casual labourers come to Delhi/ NCR in search of employment. Some of these are of dubious character and have previous convictions. Employers, in most cases, have negligible prior information and idea about the character of such employee. They employ them in hurry, without proper verification, somebody recommendation and knowing nothing or very little about the person being employed. It is necessary tand compulsory to have the character and antecedents verified either by Police or any reliable Detective Agency like us. In the recent past some domestic servants have been found responsible for even heinous crimes like murders. It is therefore recommended that each employer needs to be alert and ensure complete verification before employing domestic help.

Tracing a fraud person

It is very obvious for bankers and insurance companies to face problems in finding people who take loan from them and run away. Most people try to give fake contact address so that they are not caught. Such people can cause a great loss to the companies. Many such cases are reported to the credit card companies. Aider has been working in this field to spot the criminal and make him repay the loan amount. The same cases can happen in companies employees taking salary in advance by showing problem at home and then stop coming to the office are also caught by our detective agency.
There are some people who avoid the sight of bankers and finances deliberately so that they don’t have to return the money they owe to them. Our tracing people service is also extended to finding missing people. People who run away from home because of some problem.