Towards Mindfulness, Peak Potential and an Inclusive Consciousness with Viveck Shettyy


Well there are very few speakers who say it like he does, yes we are talking about Motivational Speaker , Life Coach, Mystic and Yogi Viveck Shettyy. As the Chief Guest and the Keynote Speaker at an exclusive gathering at D. Y . Patil School Of Biotechnology and BioInformatics , he shared some very profound insights and techniques on mind management, achieving peak potential and developing an inclusive consciousness .

The students were in splits as he observed “ We are living in an age and era where people are spending more in taking care of the hair than the head .” He further opined that while everybody advises to maintain concentration and develop focus , nobody teaches how exactly to do it and went on to demonstrate some very simple yet profound techniques of developing concentration and focus . The students listened in rapt attention for nearly ninety minutes as he waxed eloquent in his trademark flamboyant style on a host of issues affecting youth, including social media and mobile addiction.

The question answer session was clearly the most engrossing part of the interaction where students came up with all types of questions including those on personal relationships and manifestation of dreams and goals. Viveck Shettyy responded to one such query with a profound observation stating that , “Until you change the energy, frequency and vibration at which you operate life, the same type of people will come back in your life, only their names will change. Until you change the energy, frequency and vibration at which you operate life, the same type of incidents will keep repeating themselves, only the time and place will change.”

He further urged the students to focus on peak potential and not on mere survival. Viveck Shettyy brings in the rare combination and wisdom of Life Sciences, Management, Yoga and Mystic Knowledge in all his lectures and has completed over four hundred lectures in the last fifteen years across leading corporate groups, management institutions, NGOs, medical and engineering colleges, International schools and various management forums. He has nearly fifty thousand followers on twitter and another one lakh fifty thousand followers on Instagram,with numbers multiplying by the hour.

Also, present on this occasion was Dr. Debjani Dasgupta, Director , D. Y. Patil Institute Of Biotechnolgy and Bioinformatics.

Picture Captions:
1. Viveck Shettyy, Life Coach, Mystic and Yogi, addressing the gathering.

For further details contact:

Hitakshi Joshi – 8655566077
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